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Child Health

A photo showing an “I was brave for the doctor” stickerChild Health

8 week Post-natal Check

You can register your new baby by completing an online registration form, see details here or by speaking to a staff member at one of our surgery sites. We will invite you (by post or phone) for an appointment at around 8 weeks for a post-natal check with a GP and immunisations with a nurse.

Healthy Child Service

The Healthy Child Service incorporates York's Health Visiting and School Nursing Services and works with families, young people and children up to the age of 19. You can contact the York Healthy Child Service on 01904 555475 and will be offered routine reviews by the team after having a baby.

Mental Health

Children and young people can experience a range of mental health symptoms and illnesses. There are a number of resources that you might find useful, on our dedicated mental health page, you can learn how to access further support locally.

  • York Mind - They can help in a range of ways, providing information, counselling and support to those who need it
  • Yor Mind - A guide to where you can get info and support for your mental health in York. They run a YorChoice drop in support for 14-21 year olds (up to 25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) - see more on their website here
  • Young Minds - a national charity who can help young people and their parents understand more about mental health illness. They offer a range of support.
  • Recovery College - They provide a range of online educational courses and resources to help young people who might be struggling with mental health issues
  • Buzz Us - Compass offers a confidential text messaging service call BUZZ US to young people aged 11-18 across North Yorkshire. You can text the service on 07520 631168 you will be able to receive confidential advice, support and signposting from a wellbeing worker within one working day
  • BEAT - A charitable organisation who offer support and information for people with eating disorders

Other useful websites

  • Healthier Together - a really useful resource which includes information about when to worry about your child if they are unwell
  • Raise York - a site designed to support parents, carers, children, young people and anyone who works with children, young people and families
  • Early Help - is all about providing the right support to children and families at the earliest possible time; it brings together workers who can support the whole family to try and improve things for everyone.
  • ERIC - is the national charity dedicated to improving children’s bowel and bladder health, there is lots of advice about constipation, bed wetting and much more